Here at Phoenix Training Centre, we use the latest science to help you optimise your health and wellbeing.

Today we are going to talk about Heart Rate Zones and their effect on health and longevity.

If being healthy was easy everyone would be strong, lean, move like our ancestors did, live without prescription medication and have plenty of energy to play and have fun.

Why is it so important to train within your heart rate zone for your health and longevity?

A lot of people regularly train beyond their heart rate zone.  Doing this regularly leads to a condition commonly known as “Chronic Cardio”.

Chronic cardio is where you regularly train between medium to difficult intensity (outside of your heart rate threshold) for a longer period of time, without allowing sufficient rest between sessions.  This is very typical of those who train in Cross Fit and High Intensity classes where the approach is often to train to exhaustion.

This kind of training sets off a cascade of hormonal affects such as;
• increased cravings of quick energy carbohydrates.
• Inhibit fat metabolism
• Compromise immune function
• Breaks down lean muscle tissue
• Disturbs hormonal function
• Creates systemic inflammation abuses the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system (“fight or flight” stress response mechanism)
Maintaining this safe heart rate zone will ensure your hormones stay balanced, optimizing the benefits and respecting your body current limitations.
Here are some of the benefits of training within your specific heart rate zone:
• Fat metabolism ( when you are Primal aligned you burn free fatty acids for fuel)
• Cardiovascular function improves
• Musculoskeletal strength and resilience improves
• Reduction of body fat composition
• Positive hormonal function, boosts your immune system
• Anti-aging hormones are released
• The stress response is reduced or muted, to leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated.
We respect everyone has an ideal Heart Rate Zone in which to work, as everyone is different.   Here at Phoenix Training Centre your coach will calculate your zone for you, as there are a number of factors that need to be considered.

Working within your correct heart rate zone will ensure that your hormones are optimised to achieve the goals that you desire whilst maintaining or improving your health and longevity. 

After all who doesn’t want to live a longer and healthier life.

If you have any questions please contact us or join one of our Primal classes!

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